Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tourists VS Natives

Walking in the confined area of the Trevi Fountain you can not help but notice how the space is utilized and evaluated by those occupying it. The tourists stand and gander at the fountain in complete fascination, taking pictures with broad smiles on their faces. Tour groups of children with yellow hats on following a waving flag pose for a picture in front of the water, as couples holding cameras document their presence. The so called "tourist" attitude differs greatly from those who may see the Trevi Fountain on a weekly basis. Italians native of the area use the space as a place of gathering to relax or socialize. Often these locals watch the way tourists react to the fountain, often chuckling or making bizarre faces at them. Several groups of Italians stood at the top of the steps eating gilatto and chatting, on what probably was their lunch break. This fountain has become a normal place of gathering such as we would at a bar or social atmosphere in the United States. Although I am sure they appreciate the history which subsides in the area, they are not as flabbergasted as the tourists appear to be while there.

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