Friday, June 27, 2008

A hot day at the Colloseum

When I had a chance to go to visit somewhere I had never been, I did not choose to pick one that I had written about, yet I chose to go to the Colloseum because I found it horrible that this late in the trip I had still not visited it. It was excruciatingly hot on the day that I went and once again pondered the idea of how Romans deal with it. Buying my ticket for the Colloseum I decided to get a video guide as well, different from the simple audio guides I usually receive. Taking the lift up to the top level and walking through the entry way I was struck when I walked in. immediately what I could not stop looking at was the platform of where the floor used to be and where the gladiators entered on to it. Immediately my emotions were thrown in to an array of putting myself in this are when it was completely full, people screaming out of both pure anger and frustration of the heat. Watching the video guide it showed us digital images of what the are of the Colloseum we were looking at used to appear, as opposed to how we we were seeing it. It was amazing to see the difference and I wonder how long it will stay in tact. Thinking about the animals and people brutally murdered in this space is something that is even hard to imagine. I have never experienced events like this and hearing about them is extremely interesting and surprising.

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